The Making of Mamaliga : Transimperial Recipes for a Romanian National Dish
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Napoleon's Cursed War : Spanish Popular Resistance in the Peninsular War, 1808-14
£25.00 £20.83Verso Books
The Colonial World : A History of European Empires, 1780s to the Present
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Nationalism in Modern Europe : Politics, Identity, and Belonging since the French Revolution
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Painting Imperialism and Nationalism Red : The Ukrainian Marxist Critique of Russian Communist Rule in Ukraine, 1918-1925
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Troubled by Faith : Insanity and the Supernatural in the Age of the Asylum
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The Society of Prisoners : Anglo-French Wars and Incarceration in the Eighteenth Century - 9780192868039
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In Their Own Write : Contesting the New Poor Law, 1834-1900
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Rethinking the Age of Revolutions : France and the Birth of the Modern World - 9780190674809
£31.62Oxford University Press Inc